Ballard Economic Development & Industrial Development

About Ballard County Economic Development & Industrial Board

The Ballard Economic Development & Industrial Board was formed as a nonprofit private corporation by a group of Ballard County Citizens in 1982.

The Board formed to assist start-up businesses by capitalizing upon government incentives to promote Ballard County Economic Development. The Board has successfully assisted several businesses in Ballard county to start and employ Ballard County citizens. The Board used the money recaptured by those loans and purchased property in Kevil, KY to start the West KY Technology Park which led to the construction of the first building that housed contractors employed by the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. After completion of the first building, the Board constructed two additional buildings for contractors who were employed by DOE to remediate in support of the deactivation of the plant.

Eventually the Board accomplished its primary mission as the Board sold the first property to Kevil Tool and Die.  Kevil Tool and Die has been a local employer for many years, dating back to when WESTVACO came to Ballard County.  Because of their success in the local area, Kevil Tool & Die was able to expand and employ more people.

The Board’s success with Kevil Tool and Die and government contractors, led to the construction of New Haven Assisted Living and the day care facility. Currently, the Board owns the day care building and continues to help the current renter with finances in order to retain this much needed service available for our citizens, so they can work to support their families.

The Board obtained PACRO monies that DOE granted in order to construct a spec building which is home to Two River Fisheries today.  Two Rivers Fisheries received initial funding assistance from the Board for five years to present times.  As of today, Two Rivers Fisheries is a thriving strong local employer who continues to grow the number of employees every year not to mention the tremendous help with the Asian Carp population issue currently plaguing our local and regional waters.

The Board purchased the building at 297 KY Ave in Kevil, KY after Flour Corporation was awarded the remediation, surveillance, and maintenance contract.  The property was used by Fluor as they transitioned as the new DOE contractor and resided in Ballard County. The building leased by Fluor during the time of transition is now the office for the Board as well as three other businesses.  The facility offers a 2000+ square feet event center which is available for meetings, training, receptions, and etc. The facility amenities even includes a kitchen for caters to utilize to serve and keep food warm after bringing to facilities.

When the organization that built and operated the Farmers Market in LaCenter decided they could no longer support the market, the Board assumed the title to the property and paid all expenses associated with the property.  The Board now offers the use of the property for free to the citizens of the county an even maintains a year-round “porta potty” for all to use.

When the Ballard Bottoms Tourism Council (BBTC) started to form, the Board contributed monies to pay for expenses and eventually purchased the old Masonic Lodge Building from the Barlow General Baptist Church located in Barlow; thereby allowing the BBTC as well as anyone else who needs a meeting room to have a facility to use.  The Board financially supports all fundraisers of the BBTC to include the Waterfowl Festival.

The Board has, and continues to, financially supported the four river counties attempts to regionalization with the establishment of KYGRRO, which is an organization that promotes small business and tourism in all four counties.

Within the last 3 years the Board has been the leader in promoting the WAVE Organization, the West KY Regional River Port Authority, the AG DAY and the CONFLUENCE.   All of the aforementioned, are the forerunners with placing our region “on the map” to attract new businesses which, in turn, create jobs and give the option to our young people to stay in Ballard county to live, work, and raise a family.

The Board of the Ballard EDC is committed to the citizens of Ballard County and continues to leverage the ideas and wisdom of the founders of the Board, through the money raised by grants, Leases, and donations to the Board.  The Board’s purpose is to create a strong Ballard County, with heritage; helping our number one industry Agriculture; support one of the best school systems in the state and attract new businesses and new citizens to a wonderful community of caring faith-based people a proud people. We also strongly believe we are a great region of like minded people and together we can accomplish everything we want.

The number of donations the Board contributes to all types of organizations that support our mission are too many to list, but they are substantial in number and amount.

Our Board Members:

Anna Abernathy – Chairman

Jerry Pace – Vice Chairman

Shari Damron – Secretary/Treasurer

Todd Cooper – Executive Director

Casey Allen

Bob Faulkner

Travis Holder

Lynn Lane

Wesley Newton

Roger Shaw

Ashley Turner

Nathan Whipple

Contact Us

Interested in relocating your business to Ballard County?  Please let the Ballard County Economic & Industrial Board know what we can do to assist you.  You may reach us by phone, email or send us a message below.

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Ballard County Economic & Industrial Board

Hannah Chretien, Executive Director
297 Kentucky Ave.
Suite 1
Kevil, KY 42053
Phone: 270-462-2394

Our Office Location

Ballard County Economic & Industrial Board